Shamanessence®(since 1998) Products & Services
Los Angeles, New York, London, Cape Town
Experience life with the integrity, adaptability, divinity and dignity as the joyous co-creators we are meant to be!
Tap into your potential, transform your life harmoniously!
Shamanessence offers self balancing healthy clean products and integrative services that are educational, practical, easy to learn – serving life with holistic healing modalities. Our intent is to be open and deliver true expressions of Divine Self, integrating Body Mind, & Spirit with Quantum Leap- Co-Creative Science.
Shamanessence® an umbrella
of the Healing Arts.

Reduce pain, improve posture, brain function, self-image, and increase physical adaptability, mobility, health and well being.

Release & reprogramme subconccious trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, inner conflicts, low self worth, heart walls, & creative blocks.

Restore faith, confidence, tap into your innate wisdom. Finding greater inner peace, appreciation, excercising gratitude. Self realisation, life purpose, direction and joyfilled living.
The Feldenkrais Method®
Flower Essences


Custom made formulas for all mind body & soul challenges. Including Emergency Trauma Formulas that serves as your own personal rescue remedy plus. Available for adults, children & animals. Long distance consultation services available.