Inspiring teacher, amazing products
Mariamne is an inspiring teacher and colleague who has an inside out knowledge of her field which she is able to put it across simply and directly so that everyone understands her precisely. She also has an ituitive ability to read and understand people’s bodies, mental states and emotions. I unreservedly recommend Mariamne for both her work in Feldenkrais Method and her Shamanessence Products.
Priya Vassen, Acupunturist, Tai Chi & Yoga Instructor, June 1, 2011
Business has DOUBLED in income (Prosperity Spray)
pasting(2 months later) May 2011- my 10 year business has doubled in income since using the Prosperity Spray…amazing, I’m blown away….!
Nicole Van Rooyen
I loved using Clairvoyance & Intuition Spray whilst recording my new album, wonderful results!
Hi Mariamne,
I adore all your aura sprays! In particular I used your Shamanessence for Clairvoyance and Intuition (also for Artists) while I was recording my new album a few months ago and the results were just wonderful. I regularly used it on myself, on all the artists that played instruments in the studio and I even managed to spray my Producer with it! And throughout the entire recording process we were all very calm and in the creative flow…infact everything felt as though it was effortless.
I still use it (now that I am on tour) before every concert to ground myself and to help me to connect and allow the sacred mantras to flow from me with healing resonance.
Thank you for an awesome product.
Sarab Deva
Prosperity Spray. Intuitive flow to class instruction, attention to individual students, Business DOUBLED in income
I have only been doing Mariamne’s Yoga class for a month and already she has changed my life in many different ways. Firstly I am enjoying giving attention to the well-being of my body (and soul) and giving it the maintenance that it deserves. I also loved the intuitive way she flowed with each class and the care and attention she paid to every student.
My favourite part of each class is when she uses her Shamanessence Sprays to spritz each and every one of us in the class.
I purchased her Prosperity and Abundance Spray on a whim as I had loved the Lemongrass smell that it had.
I intended to use it as a home and body spray and had never expected for it to actually … work.
One afternoon I was facing a potential crisis at my office with my very expensive printer.
I had phoned several technicians to figure out what my options were and all had agreed that I needed to replace a part that would cost about R7000.
I was devastated as I was currently experiencing cash flow hiccups and really needed to finish my printing job which not only was extremely urgent but would also bring in the money that I needed.
I seemed to have been facing obstacles after obstacles and I had no idea how I was going to fix this problem.
In sheer frustration I asked for help and started spraying myself, the office, the computers and the printers.
About ten minutes later the phone rang and a kind gentleman offered his help. He was a printer salesman and knew a thing or two about my particular printer.
Someone had asked him to contact me as they had heard I was needing help.
In less than no time he had offered a different opinion and fixed the issue over the phone…I could’ve kissed him. My very own miracle.
And that was only the start… the week following that I kept using the spray on myself and my boyfriend. If I had to list the things that happened every time we used it you would surely think I was exaggerating.
I have so much work coming in right now I am struggling to keep up…but smiling and grateful for the abundance!! I might just have to start buying the sprays in bulk.
Thank you Mariamne
(2 months later) May 2011- my 10 year business has doubled in income since using the Prosperity Spray…amazing, I’m blown away….!
Nicole Van Rooyen
One of a Kind Teacher
Mariamne is a one of a kind teacher who brings great knowledge and experience to her teaching, and then infuses her huge heart into the equation. She is one of a kind and it is always a great experience to work with her.
-Rebecca Kapsis, Los Angeles. 2011
Mariamne has our bodies twist Our bones stack up...
Mariamne has our bodies twist Our bones stack up, she does insist. Breathe in, first chest, then tummy Make your body feel just yummy. She bends like a soft pretzel, you get the gist.
Great results, Expert, High Integrity
I use Mariamne’s Shamanessence Products. There is nothing out there like them. Her energy to help peoples healing process is amazing, specially for ‘Protection’, or to counteract the computer’s radiation. All of her products are so good, my favorite is Prosperity Spray and Healing Cream. I highly recommended them.
Jose Abdo, Artist. 2011
Mariamne is a guru in the realm of Mind & Body. Guided by her, know that one is in a safe place, backed by a wealth of knowledge, she will be firm to be kind and her passion & integrity as an Instructor are note worthy.
Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, Creative
Jane A.Edwards, Group Fitness Manager & Instructor
Powerful Products - Healing Cream and Emergency Trauma Formula
Mariamne told me that’ a little goes a long way’, which is so true!
I use the Shamanessence Healing Cream, and its quite amazing. It helps with those aches and pains I get after working out. I seem to of had to deal for years with body aches and pains as I am quite hyper active and clumsy, sometimes over doing things
When I bump into furniture or fall, which is more often than i would like, I try to use the Healing Cream as soon as I can, together with Emergency Trauma Formula (that Mariamne custom makes for me) a couple of times if more severe. I then noticed that I hardly bruise or swell up, and by the next day I completely forgot about the incident and there is barely a discoloration of skin or any painful sensation. Amazing!
I have used it on burns and I am also using it occasionally cosmetically as part of my beauty regime. My skin really feels good as I put it on. I have also been experimenting with applying it to acupuncture meridians. Awesome!
Susan L. Schmit
Extraordinary services and products!
Mariamne Wulfsohn’s work – both in Feldenkrais and in the essences she creates both in bottles and ones she prescribes personally along with muscle testing, is extraordinary. Anyone in the California area would do themselves great goodness in attending her events or having private sessions with her. I highly recommend her work.
Tim Driscoll “Backbone & Wingspan, October 22, 2013
You changed my life...and there are ABSOLUTELY no words to describe how ABSOLUTELY pain free i feel...
You changed my life…and there are ABSOLUTELY no words to describe how ABSOLUTELY pain free i feel. My back problems are there for the rest of my life….but each morning, I literally, drop to the floor and a few minutes of doing the exercizes, keeps me pain free for the day. and I also notice that while in bed, when I move or stretch, my sacrum area, adjusts and makes welcome noises, telling me that it’s flexible and ‘doing it’s thing.’ what is sooooo delightful as well, it that you and your words are with me. i think i learned very well…because when I was ‘sharing’ what I learned, I told them to focus on the task and go slow. The women I was sharing this precious advise with are precious…one is going through a battle with cancer, and the other is going through a problem with her back since adolescence. while showing the crew the exercises…one is a professional dancer including being a psychologist…and she said ‘i know i can benefit from this.’ All agreed that pilates classes and yoga etc. don’t emphasize things that feldenkrais does…and they were SOOOOOO receptive to the philosophy and mechanics. Ilove you so much and wish you all the best.
Ramona “Social Worker & Therapist, Los Angeles, 2005.”
Magical, Healing Products.

I cannot recommend highly enough the magical, healing Shamanessence products. They have brought relief and expansion to my clients on all levels, and for myself, when I sufffer neck and back pain after too many bodywork sesions, the relief I gain from the healing cream is almost instantaneous. The staff at Bodhi Tree… esoteric bookstore tell me that the sprays are just flying off the shelves and that there are customers who come into the store expressly to buy Shamanessence Sprays and Chakra oils. Thank you, Shamanessence and thank you, Mariamne for co-creating with Nature Spirits to bring us these wonderful products.
Joan Wulfsohn “Cellular Recall Therapy, 2010”
Dear sweet person...you are with me every day in prayer and in doing my exercises...
Dear sweet person…you are with me every day in prayer and in doing my exercises. i’m touting the praises of Feldenkrais and you, to anyone who complains of back and neck etc pains….and at the jail, i have literally thrown myself down on the office floor to demonstrate to 9 women over the past 2 mondays. a few months ago my boss had a torqued neck for several days and had to go home early from the pain. this was her 3rd day of excrutiating pain…so i threw myself down on the dirty tile floor and showed her what to do. she was very skeptical, but i didn’t know that. that evening around 9:15pm, after crying from the pain, she decided to do the ‘arms extended, finger extensions’ i had taught her and within minutes she was relieved of the pain and had full range of motion. she was soooo excited and waited until morning, waking me up at 7am to tell me ‘it worked’….she told every person on our staff about it. now i have 2 gals who would like to come to your classes. i showed them what i’ve learned and said that it would be good for your to talk them through and make sure they do the exercises properly. if you give me your phone number as soon as possible, to give to them, i’ll pass it along to them. love
Ramona “Social Worker & Therapist, Los Angeles, 2006.”
Bodywork session with flower essence therapy
Greetings, Mariamne,
Thank you so much for your availability to provide a treatment for me. Your treatment has made my back and body feel really good.
I continued with the exercises and rituals which you described to me such as imaging my foot goes into the pavement (like a bicycle pedal) when I am walking. I also use your suggested imagery regarding planting my feet in the ground when I wake up mornings. I can’t express enough appreciation for your amazing assistance.
In terms of the elixir you prepared for me, that also has been very helpful. I feel very good, confident, contented and relaxed. I’m especially excited about my creativity. I’ve been flooded with ideas for Art Quilts and drawings. I have so many ideas it would take me 2 years to complete them which is OK because they would make a great body of work for a gallery showing.
If I were staying in Cape Town, I would definitely reschedule with you for a booster treatment and I would be a faithful class attender. I enjoyed meeting you and wish you well in the future.
Pam Lipe
Feldenkrais group classes plus other services
If your body has taken quite a battering, now is the time to nurture it.
Feldenkrais is the most intelligent form of exercise I know. The founder was a physicist looking for an answer to his own health problems. The micro movements he designed are mind blowing and will enable you to exercise without the risk of hurting yourself, (unless you do something silly).
Most of the time Mariamne works alone. This upcoming workshop is one of the few exceptions. The Feldenkrais Method impacts one physically, mentally, emotionally and, I would suspect, spiritually as well.
The people who go to her class are there because they are already becoming mindful and more conscious. I’ve met some rather interesting people there like a former mayor of Cape Town and the head of psychiatry at UCT university! If I lived in Cape Town I would attend weekly long term.
I have also worked extensively with Mariamne during my annual visits to Cape Town, receiving flower essence therapy, microbial balancing for my eye sight and immune system, and quite a few Bodycodes sessions as-well.
All our work together has been very holistic, insightful, healing and progressive for my own personal health and spiritual growth.
Colleen Hendriks,
June 2016
Five Star Rating - Aura & Chakra Cleansing
Mariamne is a truly spiritual healer. From the moment you meet her, you can feel her positive energy and compassionate spirit. I recently booked a session with her, and I can confidently say that she is one of the most experienced and talented shamans I have ever worked with.
During our session, Mariamne helped me to release old patterns and beliefs that were no longer serving me. She created a safe and nurturing space for me to explore my deepest thoughts and emotions, and I left feeling lighter and more centered than I have in years.
In addition to her intuitive healing abilities, Mariamne also creates her own line of healing sprays that are truly transformative. I purchased one of her sprays and have been using it daily, and I can see a noticeable difference in how calm and centered I feel throughout the day.
Overall, I would highly recommend Mariamne to anyone who is looking for a powerful and compassionate spiritual healer. She has a true gift of helping people to release negative energy and find inner peace, and I feel incredibly grateful to have worked with her.
Kate Chernyak
March, 2023