Aura, Chakra Clearing, Balancing & Realigment

What is the Aura? The AURA can be considered like the energetic territory, or spiritual skin. An aura is something that every living organism has. Some perceive it as a halo or aureole of coloured energy, emanating from the body. It is a protective energetic boundary. When there is damage to the aura, it affects the entire organism. Chronic and serious aura damage or insufficiency is usually caused by damage from the environment, such as abusive and unhealthy living, work situations resulting in trapped emotions. Though aura problems can be disconcerting, they are both instructive and eminently fixable.
What are the Chakras? CHAKRAS are a series of energy centres in and outside of the physical body. They can be considered the bodies main energetic glands or organs. The seven major chakras have specific colours that run up the vibrational spectrum. The first base chakra is red, as you travel up the rainbow spectrum it goes to the seventh, violet. The colours have specific purpose, meaning and interpretations. The charkas can be easily read, healed, aligned, and cleansed. Chronic chakra problems can signal health, mental- health, or endocrine imbalances, drug damage, and or long standing acceptance of energy-diminishing contracts (cords, or attachment to others, and non-physical entities). During a Chakra Healing and Cleansing session, we also include the 8th Chakra and if appropriate, the higher Chakras such as 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th.
Shmananessence Products offer a range of 8 Chakra Oils to activate and chanrge each energy center.

What to expect during a Chakra Clearing session? This service takes aprox 2+ hours to complete. I work with a special healing team including Nature Intellegence and your Higher Self to participate during parts of the session to help guide me to your specific needs and to the order of which Chakras need deeper work. The energizing, or removal of entities/parasitical energetic conglomerates.
Stage 1- initial reading of the Chakras. We will measure and determine the health of the 8 chakras one by one. Your intention for why you want this session can be clarified if desired. e.g express what blocks and challenges you may be experiencing.
Stage 2- The Aura is initially cleansed to remove stagnant emotional debris, in order to make way for the deeper Chakra work.
The Charkas are rescanned once again and checked throughout the session for cleansing and re-energizing. Identifying and removal, release of any cords, entities are dealt with using a transmutation process during the Battle Release Process, if needed. This is safely conducted with care, you are fully protected. It is not the intention to banish, destroy or judge, tangible or intangible energies. Energetic negativity is either transformed or transmuted to its next higher level in the universe, without determination from us where that may be.
Stage 3- Mining the Subconcious; Identifying & releasing trapped emotions, Heart Walls, addictions of thought, beliefs or ideas that no longer serve are released in what I decribe as ‘peeling the onion’ process! This stage is fundamental to help one not just resort back to habits that may be costing alot of energy and holding you back from evolving with benevolence. I am guideed to as the order of Chakras to clear.
Stage 5 – Custom made flower essence therapy formula is made to take home with you, inorder to continue your healing process, balance & stabalise the work we have done! For more information about flower essence thereapy, go to the website link under ‘Services’. Flower essences are used strategicsley through out your session to maintain balance and assist through challenging sections if necesary.
To conclude I offer further reading, listening or recommended YouTube recordings for your continued growth and interest. I am interested in self empowerment and growth, and inspire others to continue their healing, joyous path.
The full one to one Chakra Clearing Process may be gentle, but it may also be intence. The full sessions take atleast 2 hours. Please set up your appointment with this in mind; you may feel fatigued and hungry afterwards. Its important to drink plenty of fresh clean water, take a Vit C supplement. Give yourself a good 48 hours to fully process. You may go back to work the next day, I advise to go easy, refraining from over excertion.

For more information to book an appointment:
Mariamne- WhatsApp + 27 748400066, Cape Town, Los Angeles, London