Energetic Processes
Energetic Processes Balancing our microbes for health, plus balancing land, buildings, garden, and soil for harmonious living!

Microbial Balancing Processes, Microbial Balancing Solutions and Energetic Processes for land, office, homes, Humans and animals
The following Energetic Processes are services Shamanessence offers, and products that I provide which have come from the research and work of Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra- Centre for Nature Research. Working with Nature Intelligence has greatly influenced my practice, and I have done much research over the years and come to trust Perelandra processes and Perelandra flower essences as one of the great contributions to assist people and the planet right now.
There are a number of energetic processes, covering areas of Gardening, Health, Well-Being and Business(Soil-less Gardens). During these challenging times, the impact which we human’s have created on the earth (pollution, wars, destruction, etc) has had such a great impact on our environment, that our health is compromised. This also means that our food may not be giving us the nutrition it should, and our response to authordox medicine is changing. The way we live today may be alluring us far from being in touch with our deepest truths – which not only involves our environment, which may be compromised, but also our bodies, our bodies relationship with the earth, and with our soul. The way we eat, think and respond to external stimulae is often bombarded with overwhelming abstractions, making it quite hard to not to feel anxious and stressed out. This taxing of our nervous system impedes our immunity and makes it increasingly hard to maintain balance and harmony.
Shamanessence offers Co-Creative Gardening Processes for Human (and Animal) health, Microbial Balancing Processes, as well as Co-Creative Processes to bring back balance and health to land, sea and bodies of water, work or home environments including office, gardens, and Soiless Gardens (such as business ventures and relationships).
What does this all mean?
Process type 1
‘Microbial Balancing Program’ – MBP
This is for humans, animals, land and bodies of water. MBP(Microbial Balancing Process) works with pinpoint accuracy on specific health issues within any body system, (where as MBP Solutions’ work on a gradual building effect on the body that is a result of taking them daily. On the other hand, individual charts done with MBP can have an immediate effect. During a Microbial Balancing Process session, we will be focusing on the client’s symptoms, physical, and emotional, and serving the bodies ‘microbial needs’ for regaining balance. People taking medications can work with the processes safely, without interfering with their medications positive effects. These processes are NOT a substitute for medical help. If unsure, consult with your GP.
Shamanessence offers Co-Creative Gardening Processes for Human (and Animal) health, Microbial Balancing Processes, as well as Co-Creative Processes to bring back balance and health to land, sea and bodies of water, work or home environments including office, gardens, and Soiless Gardens (such as business ventures and relationships).
Microbial Balancing Program
“The Microbial Balancing Program (MBP) connects humans and nature in a new and intimate way. In this program, human health and balance are achieved by focusing not on the human, but on the health and balance of the vast and vibrant population of living organisms called microbes. Up to now, we have developed a highly adversarial relationship with viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa. We control them by killing them. After all, we humans are a lot bigger than they are and killing the “little buggers” should not be an issue for us. In the Microbial Balancing Program, we turn 180 degrees from this thinking and deal with human health issues by cooperating with and ensuring the balance and well being of the “little buggers.” We make peace, not war. . . . Instead of attempting to dominate and control viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa, we can use cooperation and care. We can change our attitude and how we approach our relationship with microbes. As a result of our changes, we can turn infectious disease on its ear.
What is the difference between the MBP Balancing Solutions and the Microbial Balancing Program?
The Solutions provide an overall tonic or “daily vitamin” effect for your systems while the Microbial Balancing Program works with pinpoint accuracy on specific health issues within any body system. Also, the Solutions have a gradual, building effect on the body that is the result of taking them daily. The program, because of the precision of its focus, can have an immediate effect.
Microbial Balancing Program (MBP) connects humans and nature in a new and intimate way. In this program, human health and balance are achieved by focusing not on the human, but on the health and balance of the vast and vibrant population of living organisms called microbes. Up to now, we have developed a highly adversarial relationship with viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa. We control them by killing them. After all, we humans are a lot bigger than they are and killing the “little buggers” should not be an issue for us. In the Microbial Balancing Program, we turn 180 degrees from this thinking and deal with human health issues by cooperating with and ensuring the balance and well being of the “little buggers.” We make peace, not war. . . . Instead of attempting to dominate and control viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa, we can use cooperation and care. We can change our attitude and how we approach our relationship with microbes. As a result of our changes, we can turn infectious disease on its ear.
To book a Microbial Balancing Process consultation, call +27 21 434 3357. (No long distance readings for microbial work.)
Process type 2
(the easy ‘time saving’ way)
Microbial Balancing Solutions MBPS Available for retail purchase.
For those folk who cannot commit to the ‘Microbial Balancing Process’ Chart above (which could take from one day to random dates within a year), Microbial Blancing Solutions can be purchased, such as combinations of Immune, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Nervous, Skeletal, Muscular, Female Reproductive, Male Reproductive, Endocrine, Integumentary (skin), Cell. I can check and help you choose the appropriate formulas if you are unsure.
MBP Balancing Solutions
The Perelandra MBP Balancing Solutions give back to the body what the planetary environment can no longer supply. They couldn’t be easier to use. All you need to know is how to count from one to ten. They are oral solutions that are taken once or twice a day, depending on what you need. each Solution has a specific number of drops printed prominently on the bottle label telling you how many drops to take for each dose. They may be taken by adults – young and old, healthy and ill or injured, pregnant women, children and infants. They may also be administered to animals using the same dosage as for adult humans. They are easy to take, they are safe and they are natural.
What the MBP Balancing Solutions Do
Each MBP Balancing Solution balances, builds and strengthens its respective system. (For example, the Respiratory System Balancing Solution balances, builds and strengthens a person’s respiratory system.) This enables the system itself to function properly and address any illness, condition or disease related to that system. The Solutions give the body the ability to repair and protect itself. In other words, the Perelandra MBP Balancing Solutions enable the body to do the job it was designed to do – protect, prevent, heal and restore. No one and nothing does that better.
What the MBP Balancing Solutions Don’t Do
The MBP Balancing Solutions do not specifically address or heal any illnesses, diseases or conditions we might be experiencing. For example, they are not medicines designed to treat cancer, infectious diseases, muscular dystrophy or tuberculosis.
Process type 3
for land and homes, offices)
Energetic Cleansing, Geopathic Balancing, Soil Balancing
For homes, offices, land, bodies of water, human environments, projects and animals. See Space Clearing and Home.
Insect Balancing & Triangulations (homes, offices, land)

When there is an infestation of insects such as cockroaches, ants, or green fly- it is an indication that the land/home has an imbalance within Nature created by us humans, or with our relationship with Nature and the land/property.
By doing certain Energetic Processes, balance and harmony can be recreated for insects relationship between humans and the land.. In such cases, the species no longer feel threatened, and revert to ‘normal’ numbers, or leave all together.
This process is added to the Energetic Cleansing Process (above) after completing the Soil Balancing, Atmosphere Balancing and possibly, if needed – Geopathic Zone Balancing. Please state if you suspect that an insect balancing is called for. There will be an initial cleansing of the whole space before any of these other processes are done.
Microbial Balancing Solutions Retail for $25.00 each. (USA customers, you may purchase MBS directly from Perelandra Ltd, Please let them know that Shamanessence referred you. They have a USA toll free number and can suggest which solutions to administer.
Microbial Balancing Programme Processes, call +27 748400066 for enquiries and to book your session or arrange a call out to location.
For Human Energetic Processes, please check the links for Flower Essences Therapy and Chakra Balancing, Chakra Oils.