Cleanse your Space and Aura; disperse unpleasant psychic energies powerfully and effortlessly!
This was the very first Shamanessence Vibrational Healing spray, created in 1996, a USA favorite amongst Hollywood artists, actors and performers.
Space & Aura Cleanser has multi usages; cleansing energy in your space, and auric field, and great for skin facials- light skin cleansing, moisturizing and balancing.
All Shamanessence products are skin friendly, especially this formula.
It has a wonderful light scent that is good for you and it can be used cosmetically to lightly cleanse, refresh & moisturize the face, skin and body, alone or under or after applying moisturizing to seal makeup!
It contains no parabens, preservatives or artificial chemical ingredients. Every bottle is hand made. This formula has a combination of 38 flower essences, crystal elixirs, & environmental essence frequencies, essential oils of lavender & geranium, blessed structured water & Love!
Store in a cool place, and remember to Shake Well before each use!
Joan wulfsohn –
A favorite!
Roma –
Very interesting