+27 ( 74 ) 840 0066 shamanessence@gmail.com


(1 customer review)


(1/2 oz)  $50.00

Get instant access to the vibrational healing properties of Shamanessence Prosperity & Abundance formula – in a powerful concentrate, to be carried in your medicine bag, pocket or used in energetic healing or body care! Shamanessence® Anointing Amulets™ are powerful Talismans that are very concentrated formulas designed for moving and healing Chi/Energy. They are popular tools for Ritual, Ceremony, Bath and Energy Work. Anointing Amulets™ can also be diluted and used as Shamanessence® spray refills for taking where ever you go!


    Carry your Anointing Amulet™ on your body, (an great addition to your Medicine Bag), giving your electromagnetic field and crystals/herbs a positive instant vibrational ‘charge’!

    Each formula contains unique synergistic blends of Flower Essences, Gem Elixirs, Environmental Elixirs, Starlight Elixirs, Essential Oils, and Love. Anointing Talismans may be used externally on meridian points, energy centers and minor injuries. They are very concentrated, so can be diluted with oil, lotions, face moisturizer, or add 8-12 drops to bath soak for an overall vibrational tune up body treatment.

    The fuller the bottle, the stronger it vibrates when wearing directly. When, if you use your Anointing Amulet™ externally and it is half empty, its healing frequencies are less powerful for wearing in your medicine pouch, so at that stage it is best used for continued external application.


    Active Ingredients: Flower Essences, Crystal Elixirs: Dogwood, Wild Ginger, Pear, Rosa Longicuspus, Rough Bluebell, Black Eyed Susan, Turkey Bush, Oregon Grape, Orange Bloss, Tomato Bloss, Comfrey.
    Combo One Heart: Clinoclase, Flame of Forest, Gold, Hydrogen, Love Orchid, Angel Orchid, Pink Diamond, Rosa Centifloia Cristata, Ruby, Tiare, Tyrolite, Almach, Aludra, Tarazed
    Combo Crown Chakra: Rosa Webbiana, Easter Lilly, Rosa Corifolia Froebeli, Yerba Buena, Creeping Thistle, Roadster, Goshenite, White Diamond, Alpheratz, Scheat
    Artistic Expression: Celandine, Stephanotis, Rosa Chinensis Mutabilis, Pyrophyllite, Blue Tanzanite, Green Tanzanite, Vega, M42
    Clarity Thought: Amethyst, Emerald, Jade
    Physical Restoration: Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire
    Environmental Essences: Argon, Xenon
    Animal Vibrational Essence: White River Dolphins

    Essential Oils: Lemongrass, Rosewood, Cardamon, Patchouli, Black Pepper

    How To Use?

    Directions:  Wear on your body, or in medicine bag for direct energetic vibrational tune up! For direct application, shake well and use sparingly (1-3 drops is sufficient) on meridians or chakras. For bath, use 8 – 12 drops just prior to immersion. For vibrational healing spray bottle, shake well and add 10- 12 drops to 2oz bottle of spring or filtered water.  Safe to use on children diluted.

    Disclaimer: These products are not a substitute for medical attention. In the case of open wound injuries, one can use them around the surrounding areas whilst waiting for medical attention. Do not use on broken skin!   Please use common sense in situations where medical attention is a needed, as Shamanessence Products are not a replacement for professional help.

    1 review for PROSPERITY

    1. Jamel

      Just what I was looking for!

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